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J. Jui

Bathroom Projects ( Before and after photos)

J. Jui

Master bathroom remodel (Complete) Testimonial: The time had come to finally bite the bullet and have the master bath remodeled. It had been delayed way too long. It’s a difficult task when trying to select the right contractor to do the work. Forest Gump summed it up when he said, “Life is like a box of chocolates; ya never know what you’re gonna get.” How true, but I believe we chose the right guy to tackle our project. Mike & Nick did an awesome job and the results speak for themselves. We are very pleased with the outcome and all the material selections came together to transform the space that seems lighter and more open. Mike and Nick are very meticulous about the quality of their work. It not only has to function properly, but also be pleasing to the eye. We will enjoy our new and massively improved bathroom for many years.
J & M

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